Considering using a certified consultant

I am considering engaging the services of an ActiveCampaign certified consultant to help me get past the basics and step into automation and integration. Does anyone have any experiences to share, advice on this? Recommendations? If you want to share something outside of the forum, email is

Thank you
Deb Payne


How about ActiveCampaign ‘wannabe’ certified consultant… will that works for you (he3x) ? are you looking for AC’s traning or a managed service of AC ?

I have the basics in place with contacts and a campaigns/templates and a simple automation. Ready to move into integrating with WP and other apps and automations. We are a small nonprofit with limited funds. I’ve no idea what these consultants charge and if its worthwhile or if I should just plug along myself. I was wondering what others’ experience might be.

Try out @activeautomations - he is very knowledgeable, and a good person. So good that he got banned from a Facebook group for being overly helpful :wink:

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I aim a certified consultant. If you would like to schedule a 30 minute call, I’d be happy to answer any questions I can right over the phone, no charge :slight_smile:

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Hi Deb,

I am a certified consultant but I wanted to give you some of the comments we’ve got from clients. Most clients come to us initially to help them get started or build automations for a specific campaign. However, nearly all of them stay with us because it’s cost effective for the client to get us to maintain the system, add new campaign and generally monitor the platform than for them to drop in now and then and ‘have a go’.

My advice is to find a CC, agree a monthly retainer and let them look after it for you. Treat them as part of your marketing department and budget accordingly.



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Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Feel free to reach out to our Certified Consultants for help.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!