Conflict with ActiveCampaign/ActiveWoo, and PHP Wrapper?


I’m currently developing a WordPress theme for a company, and I’m running into an issue with overlapping code… I have followed the steps to implement a form using the ActiveCampaign API into my theme using your sample script found here, and it works great. However, upon applying my theme to a wordpress installation that has the ActiveCampaign plugin installed or that has the ActiveWoo ActiveCampaign plugin installed, I get the following message: Could not resolve host: &api_action=form_html&api_output=json&id=3

I have tested, and it displays fine when both plugs are deactivated, but I need those plugins because other pages on the website use forms generated by the plugin. I have gone through and actually prefixed every call to the ActiveCampaign API to make sure that wasn’t an issue, and the error still persists. I can’t seem to figure out what is causing the problem between them, and was hoping someone could provide me with a solution.

Here is a zip folder containing the ActiveCampaign files that are in my theme. (I have removed my api url/api key for security reasons.):

Links to the plugins causing the confliction:

ActiveCampaign – Forms, Site Tracking, Live Chat – WordPress plugin | (Currently using Version 6.2.12) (Currently using Version 1.0.5)

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Did you ever figure this out? I’m having exactly the same issue.

I found a workaround that seems to do the trick… For your API wrapper, rename the constants. I just added a 2.


I think what’s happening is that the plugin also defines these constants with a blank URL and API key, overwriting yours. Therefore, it cannot resolve the host because no host is specified.

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