Conditional Fields In Forms Possible?

Hi, I’d like to have conditional fields for my active campaign forms. Is this possible?

Example: “What is your site URL” only shows if they answered yes to “Do you have a website”


This isn’t something that is possible with our form builder. There may be a way to accomplish this with custom code, but it might be easier to do this by integrating ActiveCampaign with a solution that offers conditional fields, like Survey Monkey, Wufoo, or TypeForm.

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We have solved this by using Gravity Forms. This is a paid plugin for Wordpress. Fantastic possibilities, conditional logic and lots of integrations (including a nice one for AC). You need to add some Javascript so the form entries are matched to your visitor tracking. But then you’re sorted.

(I’m not affiliated with GF, just a huge fan). Hope this helps!


Hi Oliver, can you elaborate on this please? I’m using GF with AC too but without custom JavaScript. What possibilities am I missing?

Hi @nick!

If you use vanilla (unchanged) Gravity Forms with the Add-On for Active Campaign feeds, then you will be missing out on the website tracking. Usually you want to know where the people who fill out your forms surf on your site. To do this you need Site Tracking (from Active Campaign) + Active Campaign forms. As soon as a visitor (previously unknown to you) fills in a form, his website tracking cookie is populated with the email address from his form entry.

This way your visitors can be identified after they have filled in their first form. You lose this matching of visitor to email address if you use gravity forms. But you can add custom javascript and you don’t lose this.


Ah! This is very valuable indeed. Can you help me with this custom JavaScript please? What/where should I add? Thanks a lot!

Is it possible to track the source of a visitor using the tracking code and see it in Active Campaign?

I am using Google Forms with conditionals and Zapier to tag and import contacts.

Survey monkey does not have access to the fields already available in AC. So showing a certain field based on a tag is not possible with this workaround.

So I would really like this to be developed into your platform.

Hey all,

Biannca here from our CX team, thanks for being collaborative and sharing your feedback.

As of now conditional fields is Forms is still not a feature we have right now, it’s currently on our roadmap, see

It would be really useful if you would upvoted a idea. Feel free to also subscribe to the idea so you get updates on it.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.