Completed Automation in x days

Hi guys,

Can you help me out please.

I import contacts and add them into an automation via Zapier linked to my PipeDrive CRM.

It’s a bit clunky, in the sense that if an old deal is re-opened for some reason, the contact is added back into the automation. (which makes sense some of the time - but not all)

I thought if I added a condition that could check if the contact was in the automation in the last 30 days, this would suit me better.

Is this possible? I cannot seem to find a way.


Would something like this work for you?

  1. create a new automation that a) applies a tag indicating they are in the automation b) waits 30 days, c) removes the tag.
  2. In your original automation, first check for the existence of the tag in 1a above. If it exists, end the automation. If it doesn’t exist, start the new automation created in step 1 and continue



Hi Bill,

Ah - yes that would work.

Thanks so much!