Columnizing form

Hi there,

Does anyone know how to columnize fields on ActiveCampaign forms? I know there’s a setting to have the entire form be in-line in one row in columns but I don’t want that. I want to columnize certain fields into halves so 2 fit in 1 row at times.

I have the same problem… asked support but they didn’t know the answer…

I can only think of a way using

  • Custom HTML
  • Custom CSS.

But then we would need to figure out responsiveness…

Hello there,

This is Andres from the Customer Experience team here at ActiveCampaign. I am sorry we missed this when it was originally created, in the spirit of providing the most updated information I wanted to provide a response. At this time we do not have a way of creating a horizontal form other than a “floating bar form”, I can definitely see how useful it would be to have a feature like this available. So, I’ll be happy to invite you to pass this idea along to the team as a feature request on our ideas page: Internal Ideas & Bug Reporting.

Our developer’s team takes great account of the suggestions registered there for upcoming product updates.

A workaround would be creating HTML or CSS code inside of your form that will allow you to design it the way you want. I hope this helps clear things up! :smile: