Clipping In Gmail Over Time

Hi! Does anyone else experience their emails being clipped in gmail over time. It will start off working fine but then over months it will slowly start to clip the email even though nothing has changed. Would anyone know any solutions for fixing this?

Hi @scpmedia!

Clipping of emails is something that is controlled by Gmail when they display emails in their inbox. This will occur with HTML emails that are larger than 102 KB. We recommend keeping your emails under their display limit. Because it is looking at the raw HTML, it will include tracking codes, style tags, and more so some emails may seem similar in size but one is clipped and the other is not.

We also recommend testing your email before sending it to your list. You can run an Email Client Preview test from the Campaign Summary page or send a test version of your message to a Gmail address to see if the message appears as clipped. To check the actual size of your email, use

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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Hi scpmedia,

Biannca here from our CX team, I just wanted to update this thread for anyone that comes across this.

You can read more about email clipping here in this article.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out if you have any further questions.