Click statistic

It seems to me, or I have some mistake with the statistics on clicks on my companies. I always send out my companies on two lists, A and B. Before, the number of clicks was always about the same. But for the last time I’ve been observing the same picture: from 30 to 40 clicks on list A and from 3 to 9 on list B.
Can you tell me if it could be a bug? Or some other reason?

Gosh this could be any number of reasons. So you’re sending exactly the same campaign, but to two different audiences?
I guess my first hunch is that Company B’s IT department has installed some kind of email security software, and it’s blocking your emails and thus not as many people are accessing / able to click. What do the other stats look like (e.g. open rate)?

The opening statistics are about the same. And I don’t think it’s some kind of software, since List B has approximately the same audience as List A.
Very complicated…

I guess I’m confused here - if the audience of A and B is the same, why are you sending an identical email to both of them (thus approximately the same audience will receive the email twice?)

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