Clear a date value in an ActiveCampaign date field

Good day! Please let me know if there is any way to clear a date value in an ActiveCampaign date field other than setting the date in the past? Setting the value to “null” in the API causes “Invalid date” to be displayed on the UI. Thank you in advance

Hey there, great question!

You can clear a field by selecting it (like how you would when you are changing the date) then clicking the “X” next to the field instead: Zight Recording 2024-5-28 a...

Once you click save, this will finalize and the field will be blank again. Let us know if you have any questions here!

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Thanks for the answer! It’s a nice way to do it through the UI but the question is, is it possible to do it through the API? For example, such a request leads to “Invalid Date”: