Clarification on list deletion/consequences re:campaigns

Hi – so I understand that deleting a list will delete the campaigns associated with that list.

But say Campaign #01 is associated with many lists (like lists A, B, and C.) If I delete list A, will Campaign #01 be deleted even though it’s still associated with lists B & C, lists which will not be deleted?


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Hey Stacey! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

When it comes to deleting your list, there are in fact a few things to take a look at regarding the consequences of this action. You’ll see this banner reminding you of that. Now, this ONLY applies to that specific list that you’re deleting. So, using your example, if you delete list A, it would not delete “Campaign #01” as it is still attached to list B and C. In that case, we’ll be only deleting the report data coming from the contacts within that list.

Hope this helps and keep us posted with any further questions!