Changing "This Field is Requiered" text

Hey everybody,

I wanted to change the text which is desplayed once you dont fill a requiered field. By default its something like this:


Could you help me please?

Thanks you very much,



Just hopping in here real quick. At this time, the text that is shown for a required field when it is skipped can’t be edited. It will read “This field is required.” This will translate to whatever language you have set for your account.

If you would like to see this feature added, I would encourage you to submit the idea here: All submissions are reviewed by our Product team who are welcome to new ideas.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have any other questions.

Thank you,

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Thanks you,

It helped me swithing lengague to spanish,

However, as my web has 2 languages cant solve it properly,
