Cannot sent and receive a test email

I sent several test email and I’m not receiving it.

Yes, I check my spam folders and the emails are not there.

Can you DM me with your account name so our team can look into this for you?

I am having same issue

Please DM me with your activehosted url so our team can look into this. I will share this feedback with our team, as well, to be sure this is not a widespread issue.

Hi there,

I see that a few of you are not receiving test emails of campaigns that you are working on. Something that can cause this is if the email address you are sending to is the same as the address it is sending from. Some email providers and firewalls flag this as a Phishing attempt and block the email from even reaching the Spam folder. The same thing can be caused by using the same domain for To and From email addresses. We recommend sending a test email to an address that doesn’t share the same domain or whole address as From email. I hope this helps.