Canadian Anti spam law called CASL - headache?

Hey guys,

Not sure if you’re aware of the Canadian anti-spam law called CASL but it’s quite stringent. It wants the optin forms to mention addresses and ways to unsubscribe, etc even before it goes in the form.

My question is how are the Canadian guys doing the content upgrade? Having a double-optin would just annoy users. So what, just send the content upgrade to them and then get them to opt-in to a newsletter?

Very curious to know the setups of Canadians.

You’re right - CASL is overkill but it’s the law. So, while I’m not a lawyer, I don’t think you have to go to double opt-in. I think you need to let people know what to expect - that you’ll use their email to send them the content upgrade and other useful information, unsubscribe at any time, we won’t share your information. Then, the email template itself has to have contact information about the sender and an unsubscribe link (should be one-click). I think if you’re upfront that you’ll be sending them other info as well, it’s fair warning.

Thanks! I did the double-optin just to be on the safe side, especially for the newsletter. So different forms go into one list and each form has that custom opt-in email telling them what to expect.

The whole “keep proof” is hard, and I’m not able to figure out what’s the best way to “record” it and show it from AC. Ideas?

Well I think you the very nature of Active Campaign creates an excellent audit trail. Because you have a date that they subscribed. When you export a list, it shows the date they subscribed. That should be all you need!

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Thanks so much @quarterbackdigital!

Hey all, Biannca here from the CX team.

quarterbackdigital is right here, it’s best to let people know what they can expect when they opt in rather than completely ignoring CASL. I would just make sure you double check that you have the correct consent to ensure you’re up to date with the anti-spam regulations.

Our guide gives an overview on you should follow the anti-spam regulations.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.