I want to set up an automation which sends one email to the first 1000 contacts that enter the automation, and then a different email to any contact that enters after the first 1000.
Is this possible? It seems quite simple but I can’t for the life of me find the right action/trigger/condition.
Hi there!
When building an automation condition, you can split paths and condition path A to take up to 1000 contacts. After that number is reached, the following contacts will continue through the B path.
Here’s an automation example for you: https://marney.activehosted.com/series/1
For a full tutorial on this topic: How to use the split action in an automation
Note that this feature is only available to Professional and Enterprise plans. You can review and compare available features on your plan by visiting this page: https://www.activecampaign.com/pricing/compare
I hope this helps!