Can "wait" Condition and Workflow Help Me with This?

I have a ScheduleOnce calendar embed on my website. After the contact schedules the call they get redirected to a short Paperform questionnaire.

I use Zapier to send the info from ScheduleOnce to Activecampaign, tag the contact accordingly and start an automation.

The automation then creates a new deal for the contact in the CRM and sends a welcome email 5 mins later setting expectations and reminding the contact to complete the questionnaire if they haven’t done so already (which I link to in the email.)

If the contact completes the questionnaire, Zapier will send the data via “custom fields” to the CRM and the automation will end…

If the contact does not complete the questionnaire, the automation will send 1 last email reminding the contact to complete the questionnaire.

If the contact still does not complete the questionnaire by the time of our call, I want the automation to change the status of the deal to “Lost” and via Zapier cancel the call in ScheduleOnce.

The problem is I want to use a “wait” Condition and Workflow that uses the date & time of our call as the reference because some leads will schedule a call 24 hours out while others might schedule a call 4 days out and I want the final reminder email to be timed according to the scheduled call NOT when they entered the automation or the previous step in the automation.

Is there a way to do this that I’m overlooking?

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Treat your scheduled time similar as you would a webinar with reminders going out beforehand and follow this blog post on how to setup date based goals instead of “wait” conditions: