Can I see Open Rates, etc. for a specific period?

I made a change to an Automation (now sending the first Email immediately rather than waiting til 7pm fir first issue).

I want to see if that improves my open rate.
In the Report it seems to only show the Summary (middle, bottom) and not indicate what period that covers.

  1. What period does the report Summary cover?
  2. Is there a way to choose the time period it covers?

Screenshot of report

Hi Clay (@bungalowsoftware),

At this time you can not see open rates for a specified date range. However, you can view the time and date in the Summary section of the campaign report shown below:

Also, if you view contact reporting you can see the Open/Read Trends which might be helpful in determining if your open rate has improved.

I will also mention it might be worthwhile to export the data because, that will export the time and date stamp for opens and clicks allowing you to create a date range in an external spreadsheet too.

I have also shared this information internally with the product team. If you wish to share the idea also, you can here.


Hey bungalowsoftware,

Biannca here from our CX team. I just wanted to update this post for anyone that comes across this.

We have a Campaign Performance Report that allows you to filter campaign metrics between the dates you filter. You can review this this guide for more information.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.