Can I add Mixpanel tracking code into the custom code area for 'Pages'?


So I have created two landing pages on ActiveCampaign. Can I embed tracking code from data analytic platforms such as Mixpanel within the custom code area?

The reason to do this is - I want to track button clicks and send the data to my dashboard on Mixpanel. AC tracks it but I would like all my analytics under one area. AC offers the same thing with google analytics, just wondering if it’s possible for other platforms such as Mixpanel too.



Hi Sadhana (sparklite),

Biannca here from our CX team, sorry we missed this when it was originally published.

In the spirit of providing insight on this question, you can add custom coding to the Custom Code Pages area. For more information, see our help guide.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out if you have any further questions.