Campaigns not sending

I just realized that non of my non-automation campaigns have sent since 7/2. Luckily I haven’t sent out a ton but now that I realize my clients haven’t been getting the emails I’m sending it’s very frustrating.

My automation emails are still working though.

I have been using AC for over a year now and I’m not doing anything differently than I ever have been.

I also took a Loom recording of me sending the Campaign and the screen telling me it was sent. But not looking back all of my emails since 7/2 as listed as “draft” with nothing in the “Reports” tab.

Is anyone else having this issue? Or have any idea what can be going on?

Hi Greg (@thevolleyballstrengt). Welcome to the community. Can’t say I’ve experienced this but that isn’t helping you. Can you post a link to the Loom recording? Another set of eyes might spot something. If you edit one of the problem campaigns, segmenting it so only your receive it, can you send it?

Hey Shane! Thanks for the response. This is the link I sent to my biz coach

This is a recording a took of me trying to send an email

Hi Greg (@thevolleyballstrengt). It doesn’t look like you’re doing anything wrong. As you know, selecting send now should not leave the email in draft. This is one for AC support. If you haven’t done so already, lodge a support request and when you get a ticket number, DM it to @Mika and she might be able to escalate this for you. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Cheers.

Well, I figured it out. Looks like I was just over my active contact limit. Which is fine because it was a simple fix but I feel like I wasn’t very properly notified about it. There was an alert on my account but no email or other external notification that that was the case.

Seems like an issue that prevent you from sending campaigns would be blared across your screen, or some kind of notification when you try to send an email.

Thanks for taking a look Shane!

Glad it’s sorted! I’ve shared your feedback with our team internally regarding the lack of notification. Hopefully it’s smooth sailings from here.