Campaigns KPIs reports

how can I build reports which can read all campaigns KPIs on campaign level?

The Campaigns Performance report provides aggregate data of all sent campaigns in your account.

With this report, you will be able to:

  • View overall performance metrics for sent campaigns. This includes:

    • Amount of ecommerce revenue generated (requires a connection with a Deep Data integration)
    • Number of sends, opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and bounces
    • Open rates, click-to-open rates, click rates, unsubscribe rates, forward rates, and bounce rates
  • View metrics for split test emails to see how each message performed

  • Set a date range to see how your campaigns performed during a specific time period

  • Export the data into a CSV, TXT, Excel (2007 or later), JSON, HTML, or Markdown file

Hope this helps!