Is there not an option for Lite users? We have a large contact list (~9,000), but don’t necessarily need the Small Business or Enterprise plans for our business.
Yes! Lots of progress. It’s ready! If you’re on a Small Business or Enterprise plan, click “Contacts” in the top menu, then click the “Import” button. Scroll down until you see Mindbody, click it, enter your info, and you’re ready to go!
Here’s a post with more info and some example automations.
Let me know if you have any questions. If you run into any trouble, contact support.
That is great news Brian.
One question - can I use more than 1 Mindbody account? My businesses in different countries have different accounts but all my automations are in the same Active Campaign account.
Any more progress made with Mindbody integration? I would love to create some automations triggered by membership type bought, days left before expiration and attendance records (such as low or lack of attendance in the past 14 days). Can I make AC sync with any data fields in Mindbody? That would be awesome if I could. Is AC working on this?
We’re aware that the integration could be improved by syncing more data between Mindbody and ActiveCampaign. I’d think of the current version this integration as laying the foundation we’ll build on later. The first step is to sync contacts and that paves the way to sync additional data.
It might be worth it to submit which data is important to sync between the two platforms to our ideas repository so that, when we improve the integration, we can prioritize the data our customers would like to pass. You can submit that feedback here.
Can anyone shed some light if there is anything I can do with the MindBody integration other than just sync contacts from MBO to AC? I’ve just upgraded our AC account and feel a bit gipped that I could have just done a CSV import rather than pay double the monthly subscription. There seems to be no other benefit and minimal notes other than the blog for BETA users.
What I would really love from this integration (for starters):
When a client does their first class in MindBody, it triggers a tag in ActiveCampaign
When a client makes a purchase of a certain product, it triggers a tag in ActiveCampaign
And a way to send AC sign up form info to MindBody (just name, email and phone)
I have all my AC Automations set up but have been manually triggering these tags which is totally defeating the purpose of automation!!
It might be good to reach out for a one-on-one or support. You can accomplish what you are wanting to do with the deep data integration and automations. Also, you can segment by product names that came over from deep data directly so there might not even be a need for tags.
Hi, jumping in on an old post. I’ve looking to kick off some automations using Custom Date Fields in Mindbody., however they don’t seem to be integrating. All Client Indexes came across, just not these.
I’ve spoken to Mindbody and the fields are set up correctly.