I am trying to update all contact fields when adding a contact through the API (v3) but from the documentation it seems to be a cumbersome task than I expected.
It seems I have to send an update request to …com/api/3/fieldValues/id for each custom field as stated here.
If I have 10 custom fields that would result in 10 request which exceed the ActiveCampaign API rate limit of 5 requests per second per account.
Is there a planned Bulk Create Custom Field Value endpoint or a workaround to this?
If no I guess I’ll have to turn to an older version of the API (v1). Is the older version of the API (v1) planned to be turned off at some point?
I also would appreciate this feature in the v3 API.
@screenagers54437 did you find a workaround in v2? I don’t seem to be able to find v2 docs, but will probably use the v1 endpoint here. They say there are no current plans to discontinue support for the v1 API here so it should be safe for now.
@CommunityAdmin do you know if there is a timeline for having this feature implemented? I would like to continue using the v3 API but wouldn’t be able to wait more than a month or so on it.
+1 from us. Can’t believe we are required to make 10 separate calls to update 10 fields on a contact. Tried using the “Collections” method but that failed too.
We are having same issues. This can’t be the case. Tech department, can you please step in this matter?
We do want to mass update a lot of custom fields in de DEALS section. In the Contacts section this is no problem, but in the deals section it’s undo-able without making extra calls per custom field.
@sundog Unforunatelly this is not really the case. This option only works to bulk update all values of all deals. So it really has to do with the FIELD ID’s for all deals, not the custom value of a specific input from a field id. So this is still a pretty big flaw in the Active Campaign API.
Also, I think there is no endpoint to bulk update contacts in general, so someone would need to update contacts 1 by 1? Is this correct? Or maybe I have missed the existence of such endpoint in the docs?
This is a must feature, if someone wants to update 10.000 members, assuming each member has 10 custom fields, then someone would need to make 100.000 API calls?? Sick!