Building a list structure – how to handle unsubscribes?

We’re using AC to communicate both to leads and current customers. As of now, we have two main lists; one list for all subscribers (which may include customers), and one specifically for customers. I have encountered a problem with this solution though. Whenever a contact unsubscribes from a list – they seem to bounce from other lists. Also, I would like to prevent unsubscribes from customers since we sometimes send information regarding billing, technical issues and other things that needs to reach a customer. Is there a way to let contacts unsubscribe from email marketing on one list, but not from service critical communication on another list?

Would be great to see some examples of how other people handle their list structures and having contacts in multiple lists.


Hi @Maja,
We have built an integration to ActiveCampaign solving the problem you are speaking about.

So how it works:

  1. You can either redirect to us from the ActiveCampaign unsubscribe link.

  2. Recommended Approach: You hypertext a “Manage your preference” link, and once a user clicks they will be able to see what emails they have been subscribed to and what they are unsubscribed from

You can check us out on