Bug automatisation?

Hello everyone (sorry for my english i’m french)

I have a problem with the “Automation” function and I wonder if I am the only one concerned.

Last week a very important automation (to announce an online conference) skipped a “Wait 4H” step after 3H…

Have you ever had this case?

I would point out that the previous week the automation waited 4 hours and that nothing was changed afterwards.

This bug also affected the automatism that I had duplicated.

It worries me because my business depends on it… (last week I had very few people in my online conference because of this…)

I contacted ActiveCompaign customer service but my ticket has been open since Monday with no response!

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

2 exemples in screeshot

Since March 12th was the first day of Daylight Savings Time, I can’t help but wonder whether Daylight Savings time affected AC’s delay clock on that one. Maybe the time of entry was accidentally taken at 8:17 Standard Time (9:17 Daylight Time), but the wait clock was looking for 12:17 Daylight Time (11:17 Standard Time).

Hi @mangervivant, how is it now?