Better organization of custom fields


Are there any plans to better organize custom fields in contact records? It’s extremely difficult to view the field’s data without headers, the flexibility to move the fields around or a much better way to keep like fields together.

Looking forward to hearing from you. I’m happy to provide examples.

Thank you,



Hi Carrie,

Yes! We’re working on major improvements to how fields are organized and presented on the contact record. I think when we release those updates, they’ll solve the problems you’re struggling with. I don’t know when exactly those updates will be released.

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Hey! Customer Experience team here to update this post. Both Contacts and Deals custom fields can now be organized in groups, so you can gather all fields that look alike in the same group. Its also possible to select exactly which lists they should be related to, so if the contact is not in a specific list, the custom fields from that list won’t even be shown in the contact profile.

Check more details here Custom contact field overview