Best way to update an order, after it being abandoned?

Hi, i’m running into a problem while trying to create an abandoned order. The order has no orderid (as it isn’t created yet), so i do not know which order to update after it gets paid. So how can i update the correct corresponding abandoned order after payment?

My only idea to this is to get all abandoned orders for the user, then see if the cart content for the abandoned order is the same as the (real) paid order. And when found update that order. That seems a bit hacky, so is there anyone who knows how to tackle this issue?

Thanks in advance!

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Hey Jordi! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

When it comes to the abandoned car of your shop integration, the best way to set it up is through an automation. This will allow you to encourage your contacts to complete their purchase with this great automation, which works fantastic for following ecommerce integrations:

Hope this helps and keep us posted with any updates!