Best Practices - Deal Pipeline Timing

Hi there! Curious if anyone has any best practices or advice on how to leverage ActiveCampaign’s deal pipelines specifically to the point of seeing how long each prospect stays in each stage as well as gathering insights or A/B testing on how varying approaches work? Thanks in advance!

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Here are a few of our Best Practices for Deals:

Best Practices For Using Our CRM

  • Automate deal creation

    • We recommend automating deal creation
    • It is a simple and powerful way to track every contact who enters your pipelines
    • Manual deal creation works best on a very small scale
  • Assign values to deals

    • Assigning values helps you visualize and predict revenue
    • Values should correlate to an actual product price
    • You see where the most valuable deals are in your pipelines and can act accordingly
  • Score deals

    • Most useful when you have multiple pipelines
    • If one contact enters two of your pipelines, a unique deal represents that same contact in both
    • Thus, scoring deals based on contact behavior helps predict which deal is most likely to be won
  • Filter deals for clear organization

    • You can filter deals by status (open, won, lost)
    • You can filter by contact tags and by owners (internal team members in charge of deals)
    • Click “Advanced” in the CRM for these more sophisticated filters: deals created between two dates; deals updated between two dates; deals valued between two values; deals with common tasks/next actions; deals that contain certain keywords or phrases; and deals that have a certain deal score
  • Don’t create “won” and “lost” stages

    • People often want to create “won” and “lost” stages in their pipelines
    • That is not necessary, as deals do not move from the stage they are won or lost in
    • Filtering deals by status, however, reveals which stages deals are most often won and lost in
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Thank you! Is there a way to provide metrics on how long a prospect stays in each stage?

The “Time in Stage” display shows how long a deal has been in its current stage.
To see the “Time in Stage” display, click any deal card in your pipeline to open it. The “Time in Stage” will display next to your stage name:
