Beginner: How AC tracks and tags unregistered users?

Hello, I have a website which contains no members area, and I would like to know how can I track and identify visitors to my website and tag them according to the webpages they have visited. Do the software uses cookies-based trackers for this or its only via IP adresse?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @bigm,

The software uses cookies to track visitors. It will track all visitors by default, but only identified users’ history will be visible in your admin panel – so you will need to get a user to submit their email address in order to track them.

If you are using our forms and have our site tracking snippet installed then the identify and tracking happens automatically.

Also if you include a link in an email, and have site tracking installed and a user clicks through to your site from an email then we are able to identify them that way as well.

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