Basic Sales Reporting?

I’ve just been trialling the Zoho One offering as an alternative to ActiveCampaign as this rudimentary level of reporting is so fundamental to management of sales and coordination of marketing. I’m staggered this thread has been open so long, with an acknowledgement of the gap, yet nothing has progressed.


Starting to be a problem for us too and looking at alternative (integrations or a move) as currently we are manually downloading pipeline and stage reports individually and merging in excel to get a single view.


Did this ever get solved I am not seeing that AC has basic sales and pipeline reporting am I missing something?

Hi everyone! Happy to provide some clarity here.

The Deal Overview Report shows the following information:

  • Total # deals opened/won/lost during a specific date range
  • Total $ value deals created in the pipeline during a specific date range
  • Trend analysis (MOM) of the above

This article has a breakdown of the different metrics available within the report:

I hope this helps! :slight_smile: