Banners Vs. Facebook's Arsenal of Ads

With the introduction of Lead Ads to the Facebook Ad arsenal, how do we feel about banners these days?

Do we still put our trust and advertising budgets behind banners driving to squeeze/landing pages? Or, do we feel ok about embracing this new avenue and methodology of acquiring leads?

Will banners stand the test of time? Will they continue to drive quality leads?

I’m very interested in your thoughts!

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I’m personally excited about Facebook Lead Ads. The only thing missing is the ability to connect to an EDM service like Active Campaign (without a third party add on).

I think people are looking for more and more seamless ways to interact online. Maybe clicking on a banner ad, going to a landing page and then entering your details is just too much work for people these days?

I think the more seamless the experience (ie, quick and just works), the better the response rate. But that’s just my opinion - the proof is in the pudding. We’ll just have to test it I think.
