Automations www versus http:

I am setting up a simple automation that tags a contact every time they visit and ads them to a sales leads list…

However, whenever a contact clicks on that link, it shows up under recent activities as Plans & Pricing - Endurance Sportswire so it doesn’t get tagged. At least I think that is why it doesn’t get tagged.

Including http as part of the url on the automation is not an option.

I think I am missing something obvious. Insights please! I tried setting up the domain under site tracking with the http but it automatically removes it.

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Add another trigger to the automation that includes the www.

Let me know if that fixes the problem!

the automation is set up as www, but when contacts go to site it shows on their contact page as visiting http://www.

Oh, I see. I misunderstood the issue. You don’t have to worry about the http. It should work fine. If it’s not, there is some other issue at play here.

Is that automation definitely set to “active?” That’s an easy one to overlook (I’ve done it a few times myself).

Yes, it is set as active. I have it set as running multiple times versus once. Could that be the issue?

No, that should not stop the automation from running.

If it’s still not working I’d suggest opening up a support ticket so they can investigate.

Just to update the group. I needed an / at the end of the url. Rookie mistake. The url they were clicking to was and I had my automation going to

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Ah, thanks for the update. Always good to know how these issues are resolved.