Automation Triggers based on deal task outcome

Is it possible to setup a trigger or if/else for a specific task outcome on a deal? I’d like to be able to move deals through a pipeline based on the outcomes of tasks and setup automated follow ups for our sales team.


Hi @futurefit33957,

Yes, this is possible and you have a couple of options.
Firstly, you could use the “Field changes” trigger, so that the automation starts when the relevant field in the Deal changes to a specific value.
Alternatively, you could use the If/Else condition to check whether the value is set to something specific, and then set up the follow on actions to reflect what you are looking to have the sales team do.
Depending on the number of possible outcomes you have, you may be better of doing a mixture of both options.
I hope that helps. If you need helps with specifics, do let me know.

Hi there,

I have the same request as @futurefit33957 and the response above unfortunately doesn’t achieve it. The ‘Field changes’ trigger and ‘If / Else’ options both look at field values (i.e., on a Deal, Contact, or Account).

In the case of ‘If / Else’, there are additional options to trigger an action (e.g., ‘has visited site’, ‘has submitted form’, date / time / geography-based etc.), but still nothing that allows you to trigger an action based on the specific Outcome assigned against a completed Task.

This would be an incredibly logical and useful feature. e.g., for a Task ‘Call’, it would make sense to be able to trigger a very different sequence of actions for the Outcome ‘voicemail left’ vs. the outcome ‘interested’ or ‘not interested’ etc.

It’s possible to filter a report based on Task Outcome (per, so it would be wonderful to be able to enable them for use in Automations. Is this a feature that could be considered for release please?

Thank you

HI @ltt159,
Sorry, it seems I had misundertsood the original request, not connecting it to the inbuilt Task Outcomes. :man_facepalming:

To request a feature, you will need to visit If the idea exists already, you have vote for it. In fact, the idea was suggested last year and has been marked as being considered:

Hope that helps, even if it is not a solution to the issue.

Hello there! You can achieve this with an automation. Currently, you can use the ‘task is completed’ automation trigger and segment the trigger for a specific outcome, if Task Outcome is enabled, here is an example:

From there you can move a deal from stages in a pipeline or from pipelines, send emails and more.

If you have any other questions on this topic or any other issue you can contact us anytime at Contact ActiveCampaign - Support and Sales

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