Automation to Unsubscribe Inactive Contacts

Hoping somebody can provide some insight on different ways to do this. I’ve found a couple options, but none of those options really allow me to manage/unsubscribe in a way that will work with a couple different lists.

I’d like to flag or unsubscribe contacts by recency of opens - i.e. on one list, I’d like to unsubscribe a contact if they have not opened any of the past 6 emails sent to them (regardless of the emails sent). On another, more active list, I’d like to do the same thing, but only if they have not opened any of the past 12 emails sent to them.

I see an option when creating a segment to remove customers who have NEVER opened a single email, but is there a way to specify that they have not opened the most recent X emails?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Hi Brendan,

The easiest way to do this is definitely going to be with a timer. You could do the past 60 days on one list or the past 120 days on another list. See the Engagement Tagging automation available in the inapp modal for an example of how to set that up.

If you really need to do campaigns, the only way to do this is by combining conditions. You’d have a “Did not open” condition for each campaign and combine them with AND logic.

Let me know if you have any other questions about how to get this set up.

Hey there! Customer Experience team here to update this email thread. We now have an specific feature to solve this need, the Engagement Management tool!

With this tool you’ll be able to unsubscribe unengaged contacts from your lists. It helps reducing spam complaints, bounces and unsubscribes. To access it go on Contacts > Lists > click on the arrow button on the right in any list > and select Engagement Management. Once you are in the tool identify the list you wish to clean and hit “View Cleanup Options”.

Take a look here to understand it further: Engagement Management tool