Automation for returning visitors

Ok, I’m new here, and I have a couple of simple question.
Let’s warm-up :slight_smile:

(How) can I set up an automation for returning visitors?

My goal:

  1. A visitor comes, and visit products in the same product category 2-5 times e.g:

2, Within 5 days he comes back again, and visit the same category at least 2-5 times

Thats the time I’d like give him a TAG, and send him a mail.

I can define almost every condition (URL contains category-1; visit 2-5 times, site visits greater or equal 2) except “within 5 days”.

Thanks, Karoly

Hi Karoly (@kpruhzzrt),

First of all welcome!

As for your question, I would suggest looking at this blog. The blog outlines how to segment your contacts based on their engagement level, but the process would be the same for returning visitors.

Welcome again and let me know if you have any follow-up questions, Karoly.


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