Automating "Demo Done" Stage

Hey, checking in how Can I move the deal stage to the “Demo Done” and what options I have?

I am right now using Calendly integration with Active Campaign to move the stage “Demo Booked” - Once the demo is booked, calendly sends a Zoom link on the given email ID and the lead stage changes to “Demo Booked”

Could you suggest a way to move the card to the “Demo done” stage once the demo is completed? We are right now doing it manually.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @keyninja,
It has been a while since I used the Calendly integration for a client, so I am a bit rusty on it, but I would suggest you create an automation that triggers when a Calendly Event is created.
Then, add a Wait condition until the Specifoic Conditions are met:
Calendly Event
Where the following is true:
Event Date | Happened after the Past | 1 Days

Then add the “Update a Stage” for the Deal, selecting the “Demo Done” stage of your pipeline.

I believe that should then move the Deal from the Demo Booked to Demo Done stage 1 day after your demo takes place.
Now, you may have to also create an automation yo end this one if they cancel or reschedule the demo, but as I said, it has been a while, so I may be a bit rusty on the specifics.

Either way, I hope it helps point you in the right direction. Do come back to me if not, and I will spend a bit of time looking at the integration options in more detail again. :blush:

With kind regards,

Giles Magee
Zephi Limited