Automated segmentation from quiz

Hi everyone

I wanted to ask if anyone knows whether or not it’s possible to set up a Typeform, and have the respondents automatically be segmented into different email campaigns in AC, depending on their answers/results?

Example: if I have 3 different email campaign to different pain points, can I attribute tags or something similar to the answers people give in the quiz, or the results, and then automatically have them sent to the correct email campaign?

Thanks for any answers.

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I’ve just done a similar set of actions. Yes, you can do it.

  1. In the Applications tab, add your Typeform account
  2. Add the form you want to use, and then you can map your Typeform fields with contact fields (you may need to create custom contact field before)
  3. In your Automation, use a Typeform starting point and choose the field you need (Choose “Form received” and then segment contact with a condition, which will be one of the field you’ve created. )

Hope it’s clear!