Question for anyone currently utilizing automation triggers for their customers on their birthdays.
Besides utilizing the personal tags and tag their name in a email template to be sent out on their birthday, would it be less noticeable if clients would receive manual emails sent to them vs. using Active Campaign?
My reason for this is, if we sent yearly bday emails sent out to different clients/customers we would still need to change the email template every year (customers may notice its automatic since its the same bday email content being sent out yearly and the unsubscribe tag in the footer)
So, to avoid customers that may notice the automation process behind the birthday emails, would it be better to just set reminders on their birthdays and manually send them the emails ? This way there will be no unsubscribe footer and they will feel as if its not systematic? Unless someone has another way to circumvent this?
I’m not sure there is a right or wrong answer here.
On the one hand manual emails are hyper personalized. But, on the other, with an automated email, you are saving a time and I think customers would still be happy to see that you are thinking of them and wishing them a happy birthday. However, writing a manual email would be the only way to avoid the unsubscribe link.
Do you think I can somehow blend in the unsubscribe tag in my email signature/disclaimer? Do you think they would notice? I am trying to avoid, from them KNOWING it was automated and the same template was sent to all contacts.
Sorry I’m late to the party, but we’ve been using an automation to send birthday greetings for a few months now.
Our members (we’re a non-profit) are very happy to receive them and often reply with thanks.
They don’t seem to mind that there’s an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom, and in fact it’s our only list with no unsubscriptions at all to date!