Auto add tag to contact


I have 5 sites that have a form that the user fills out: name, phone.
the user also subscribes to the newsletter in e-mail, receives a letter and confirms by clicking on the link.

Contacts (forms) from all 5 sites go into my ActiveCampaign and I can’t see which site I got each contact from and I need to clarify which site I got each contact from.

I see that there are tags in ActiveCampaign. Can I somehow transfer the name, phone number, and also a tag (each site has its own tag) to ActiveCampaign so that it is saved for each contact in ActiveCampaign?

or are there other methods for identifying contacts from different sources in ActiveCampaign?

Perhaps my question is not entirely correct. But I need to start somewhere to understand this issue.
And I still don’t understand what the correct Google query is on this issue; my queries don’t yet bring me the information I need.
or just write please how can I correctly formulate my question in Google

thanks in advance for your answer

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode([
‘contact’ => [
‘email’ => $email,
‘firstName’ => $name,
‘phone’ => $phone,
‘tags’ => [‘eyesight’],

Do you need to be able to share this information with contacts, or embed it in any of your follow up forms and emails? If so, I would consider putting the information in either account fields or custom contact fields, depending on your account structure and plan. Accounts would be ideal, as that would allow you to tie contacts to the correct accounts as they sign up, and update information for all of the contacts tied to that account in one step later on if you need to. I’d recommend reaching out our to our help team at if you’d like to discuss options in more depth, or talk through your specific use case.