We have evaluated your AC and CRM Sales.
But for we important attachment our files type PDF quotation, invoices, etc at our contacts,
deals and when we send email to a contact,
for a complete history of our customers activity and files.
It’s basic for CRM users…and we tested in others many CRM system
No use Dropbox…is slow and we send many email days…with attachment files
I hope integrated this function…
iOS app?
Many thanks
Hi Sergio!
We hear you and understand the importance of the file attachment feature. For now, the best workaround is adding a Dropbox or Google Drive link as a note. I know this isn’t ideal, and it will slow you down, but this is the best option for now.
When you have time, please submit your request to us as feedback. We use customer feedback to formulate our feature roadmap, so it’s worth your time to make the request.
Thanks Brian.
How do i attach a google drive file as a note?
For send email at contact with attachment it’s similar??
It’s not an integration, it’s basically creating a share link in dropbox or google drive, then clicking “Add Note” on the contact or deal record (it’s on the black strip at the bottom).
Any update? this is basic function
Do you have any update on this? Is this actually in your roadmap?
Any update on this feature?
To me it’s a basic function in deals (or opportunities). Every sales rep would want this in his or her tool, like Sergio mentioned. Is there any possibility AC will build this?