Are there any limits to using the deep data integrations api?

We have done some integrations with Woocommerce and we really like the deep integration data. We are starting a new integration with AC from our web app. Our app is setup to handle event registrations for our clients. What we are wanting to do is send the order data from our system when the purchase is made. We would obviously create the connection first and then create the customer and then send the order data.

Then our desire would be to segment certain lists based on customers that registered during X time period for X type of event (using categories).

My question is just to confirm our case will work and that your API is setup for someone like us to write a custom integration like this and then everything should work correctly? You aren’t limiting this functionality to something shopify or woocommerce?

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Yes, our API is designed to facilitate custom integrations like the one you described. It’s not limited to specific e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. As long as you can establish the connection and authenticate with ActiveCampaign’s API, you should be able to send order data from your system, create customers, and segment lists based on various criteria such as registration time period and event categories.

Here’s a high-level overview of the steps you would typically take:

Establish a connection: You’ll need to authenticate with ActiveCampaign’s API using your API key.
Create customers: Once authenticated, you can use the API to create contacts (customers) in your ActiveCampaign account, based on the data from your system. Ensure to map the relevant fields such as name, email, etc.
Send order data: After a purchase is made on your web app, you can use the API to send the order data to ActiveCampaign. This may include information such as order ID, purchase amount, products purchased, etc.
Segment lists: Using ActiveCampaign’s API, you can create and manage segments based on specific criteria such as registration time period and event categories. This allows you to target and personalise your marketing efforts effectively.

As this would be a custom set up, I would advise to consult with a developer.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!