Are lead scores available via API?

Are lead scores available via API? I can’t find it in the documentation anywhere.


@paragonone not yet! we have some great API improvements in the works however.

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In the mean time, how can I communicate lead scores from AC to Pipedrive CRM ?

I guess you could use two custom fields, say A and B. Whenever A changes, copy the score you want into B. Then trigger A to change anytime something happens that will change your score. And read B via the api

It’s ugly, but it should work

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@femiagbabiaka By not yet, do you mean that it will be available soon?

I cannot express how frustrating it is that we cannot access the lead score through the API.

This has been an ongoing issue that I know others have had…

Can you give some specifics as to when it will be available? I have been pestering the support team about this for, about a year now. :rage:

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Such a fundamental piece of data !

We really need to access score throught API please!

Be sure to submit this feedback to so that we can prioritize its development with other features.

Hey! Customer Experience team here to update this post. We do have Scores under our API documentation for a while now. Please take a look on the following link to check our documentation around this:

:point_right: Scores