API v3 Send Email for a specific Campaign

I used the following API to retrieve a list of Campaigns.


Works great.

I want to be able to use the Campaign ID for a specific Campaign in the returned list to initiate an Email to be sent using an API.

Your API v3 documentation does not reference any API for making a request to send an Email using a Campaign.

Found some older documentation suggesting the following:

https://heudia.api-us1.com/api/3/campaign/send?email=’ + event.email +
‘&messageid=’ + event.messageId +
‘&type=’ + event.type +
‘&action=’ + event.action

This returns a 404, so obviously the endpoint is not valid.

Any help would be appreciated.


I figured out to do the send by using events and automation.

There is no v3 API call to send a campaign but there is a v1 call that enables you to do this: https://www.activecampaign.com/api/example.php?call=campaign_send

When sending mail with this api i received:
[result_code] => 0
[result_message] => Please send this campaign through the web interface to continue.
[result_output] => serialize
Can you please help me correct this one?

Can you share the process how you combined them to send email campaign ?


Did you ever figure out this error? I am getting the same issue.


Were you able to resolve this issue? If not, is there any additional information that you can provide such as the endpoint you were calling and any parameters you passed, as well as the error message? With this information we can probably figure out what is causing this error!


How did you solve the issue?

For anyone encountering the Please send this campaign through the web interface to continue. error, you should begin by sending your campaigns through the ActiveCampaign UI for the first few sends. Once you have sent a few campaigns this way you can begin exploring API sends.

Thank you,