API v3 get click/open reports

I am using the Api v1 endpoints to track the contacts mail openings and clicks on links.


Is there a way to do the same thing using Api v3?



I also wanted to know if this was possible in the v3 API. I’ve found that one is able to get to activities:


and then request the reference information:


However, all I can see is field called isread, and times, which seem relevant. However no information about clicks.

Also nowhere as easy to fetch as having a single endpoint to return all activities from a campaign.

Is there any way we can access this data?


There are no equivalent v3 endpoints for these two v1 calls unfortunately.

I saw that using the APIv3 endpoint for contact activities you can get something similar, in the response body you can get the list of clicks and opens activities (under “linkData”) and the list of contacts subscription/unsubscription to lists (under “contactLists”)

The documentation of this endpoint is a bit lacking, can I use these properties or is this endpoint still under developement?
I would need to know if I can safely migrate my services from API1 to API3.

About this topic, do you have any roadmap for API1 and API3? For how many years will the API1 be supported?

Kind regards,

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To complete the post above, this is what I understood.
In the response body the “link-data”.“isread” property indicates the type of link-data report:

  • when valued at ‘1’: “times” indicates how many times that contact opened the message
  • when valued at ‘0’: “times” indicates how many times the contact clicked the link specified by the field “linkid”

I checked in a sandbox account and it seem correct even if this is not documented yet.

Digging deeper, I tried to sideload reference.link but found out that the value of “linkclicks” property of the “links” array objects is different from the value shown on the report page of my company activecampaign account so I would like to confirm if this endpoint is still under development or can be used.

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I raised a similar issue with a recent post on having a dedicated endpoint for email opens/link clicks/web visits. Having to use the activities endpoint is painful because it limits you to one contact at a time. While technically you don’t have to pass a contact parameter, it does not return all activities like one would think. At the very least, clearer documentation on the limitations of this endpoint and maybe an intended usecase example would be helpful.

Thank you for your input, I will work on adding that documentation, and will also add a request to the developer team to implement a more robust report, to at least match the current capabilities of the old V1 endpoint.

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Any updates on this?

Checking in on this one - this would be an absolute killer feature to have.

Support for this addition.