API v3 call subscribe form opt-in process?

The old API has a way to run subscribe to newsletter forms built-in opt-in process by calling the form id in the same API call as you are sending posting the user data to some list (‘form’ => x).

Is there similar way or approach in newer API?

Unfortunately, v3 of our API does not offer equivalent functionality for this.

Any update here?
The use case is where we want to trigger the double opt-in confirmation flow. As far as I’m aware, that’s only possible by submitting the contact through a Form that has that option enabled on it.

It doesn’t look like there are any parameters in API v3 to trigger that opt-in confirmation?

At this time there is no way to directly trigger the double opt-in confirmation via the v3 API. One way that you can recreate this behavior is to use an automation for the double opt-in confirmation. Then you can trigger this automation for your new subscribers with the v3 API using the contactAutomations endpoint.
