
It would be great to give to use through API functionality of SMS messaging (for all countries).
In order to connect your provider via API, and you can control it via the automation interface of the AC

I think it is not difficult, but it will be very useful for clients - all asking about SMS messaging when they see this feature in the settings of logic automation.

Hey darsian,

Biannca here from our CX team, sorry we missed this when it was originally published.

In the spirit of providing insight on this question, currently, we still don’t have the option to use API for our native SMS feature - I’d recommend submitting this as an idea on ideas.activecampaign.com.

For some additional insights, we use Twilio for SMS - I had a look on their app and they have API capabilities, https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging. If you want, you can look at connecting your ActiveCampaign account directly to Twilio and utilize their API capabilities with ActiveCampaign.