API call to trigger an automation

I’m looking for a way to trigger an automation via the API. There have been a couple of responses to this in the forum but both of them say ‘create a customer with a tag and have the automation trigger off the tag’.
This is a reasonable solution, but doesn’t look like it can handle repeat actions. I specifically want to kick off the automation when customer orders something [API based - no deep-data integrations]. If they order again [however many times] I’d like to kick off the same automation.
Any thoughts are appreciated!

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Here’s a short video walkthrough: Screen Recording 11-10-2022...

If you have:

  • The ID of the automation
  • The ID of the contact

All you have to do is:
Make a simple POST to /contactAutomations with this body:

    "contactAutomation": {
        "contact": "ID OF CONTACT",
        "automation": "ID OF AUTOMATION"

Documentation: Add a contact to an automation