I’m new to using the ActiveCampaign and start building with the Postman samples… but I don’t even get passed the authentication.
I have copied the url and API key from our developer page, but when entering them in Postman all I get back is a 403 - Forbidden.
What do I need to do to really get started? Looks simple, but if this is the first result I’m not to sure about what’s next…
Hope someone can help me on the way…
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Did you resolve this?
I’ve found the ActiveCampaign API quite simple compared to others.
And I’ve used Postman.
I’d suggest double check that the account name you used in the URL is correct…
E.g. https://{{account_name}}.api-us1.com/api/3/users
And that you added the correct header to Postman.
It’s just the one,
and the capitalisation must be the same.
Yes… solved it.
The ‘username’ was the confusing part.