Announcing ActiveCampaign as a Segment Source

Hi All,

We’re excited to announce that we’ve deepened our partnership & integration with Segment to provide you with an ActiveCampaign Source, a new way for you to pull email data into your analytics tools.

Check out the blog post here.

Most companies only analyze behavior from their websites and mobile apps. But people interact with your company in many other ways — including email! Now, you can automatically track event data like Email Bounced, Email Delivered, Email Link Clicked, and Email Opened from ActiveCampaign and send it to your data warehouse or any of the 200+ tools on Segment’s platform.

If you send the data to your warehouse, you can also combine your email date with other third-party sources such as helpdesk, CRM, SMS, payments, and more!

Now you can:

  • Analyze cross campaign performance
  • See how email behavior affects conversion funnels
  • Stop retargeting people when they open your emails
  • Send past email behavior to tools that predict churn detection or upgrade opportunities

Enable Soucres by following these steps.

If you have any questions, let me know!


ActiveCampaign Community Manager

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