An Account ID must be provided error

I’m using Zapier code to create an event trigger. I even tried this on my own nodejs server.

I get an error, An Account ID must be provided, but I am providing one.

Using postman it works fine.

I then generate the code from postman, and put it in a zap, no changes, and I get the error the account ID must be provided.

Any ideas please?

I can’t post all the code, it gives me a 403 error…

req.write(qs.stringify({ actid: '6*******6',
  key: 'b**************************************9',
  event: 'QuoteOpened',
  visit: '{ "email": "" }',
  eventdata: 'testing' }));

I am also getting the same message. I am testing through POSTMAN.

I have the same problem, managed to solve?