Advanced searches in AC


We are having a problem with a customer who has the need to perform complex advanced searches with between 50-100 conditions to then perform custom segments.

In this situation we are considering 2 possible solutions:

  1. Perform the searches directly outside of AC and bring them in via API as a segment.
  2. Develop our own module with App Studio to make more complex searches, with drop-downs, etc…

Does anyone know if it is feasible to do any of the 2 options?

Thank you very much!

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Both options have their pros and cons, and the choice depends on factors such as the level of customisation required, development resources available, and long-term maintenance considerations. If you prioritise tight integration with ActiveCampaign’s interface and want to provide a user-friendly experience, developing a custom module with App Studio might be the better option. However, if you prefer more flexibility and control over the search process, performing searches externally and bringing the results in via API could be a suitable approach.

See below for more details:

Performing Searches Outside of ActiveCampaign and Bringing Them in via API:

  • This approach involves using external tools or scripts to perform complex searches based on the 50-100 conditions and then bringing the results into ActiveCampaign as segments via the API.
  • You would need to develop or use existing tools/scripts to handle the complex search logic and data manipulation.
  • Once the search results are obtained, you can use the ActiveCampaign API to create or update segments based on the search criteria.
  • This approach offers flexibility and control over the search process but requires additional development effort and maintenance of external scripts/tools.

Developing Your Own Module with App Studio:

  • ActiveCampaign’s App Studio allows you to extend the platform’s functionality by building custom apps and integrations.
  • You can develop a custom module within App Studio to perform complex searches with dropdowns and other user interface elements to facilitate the search process.
  • This approach provides a seamless integration within the ActiveCampaign interface, allowing users to perform advanced searches without leaving the platform.
  • Developing a custom module with App Studio requires familiarity with ActiveCampaign’s API, App Studio SDK, and web development skills.
  • You have control over the user experience and can tailor the module to meet the specific needs of your customer.

All of the above would require external assistance as it is a custom set up.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!