Adding values to Deal Status drop down list?

I want to add a value to the Status field choices in Deals. Currently, there is Won, Lost, Open. Is there a way to add additional choices?

I’m very interested in this function as well. We want to be able to mark something as ‘spam’ or ‘no longer interested’ etc, rather than just Lost. A response from Active Campaign would be great!

Hi there! Unfortunately, Won, Lost, and Open are the only three options. However, I think this is a great suggestion and I would highly recommend submitting it to our ideas page! This is where our Product team finds ideas for new features or product updates. You can do that here: :slight_smile:

Understood that these are the only statuses, what would be the workaround for this? We beed Won, Loss, Open, Passed and Failed. Currently we have our main Pursuit pipeline, then move them into a Won, Lost, Passed or Failed pipeline to capture that data, but eventually they will need to go into Won or Lost to have correct reporting. Is there a better workaround?