Adding "goals" to Automation

One of the things I’ve been looking for in Automations is a way to have “goals” as an interim step within a single automation.

For example, I set up a 3-step email sequence with the goal of having the contact take an action (e.g, opting in to a form). If the contact opts in after email #2 then I’d like the email sequence to stop and have the contact move into the next step of my process WITHIN THE SAME AUTOMATION.

Currently, unless I’m missing something, the only way I know how to do this is to set up 2 separate automations:

  1. one for the initial 3-step email sequence

  2. a second one to stop the email sequence (upon contact opting in) and then continue the rest of my desired process

My ultimate desire is to have a way to consolidate Automations as much as possible for easier tracking and modifications. Goals would be a good step in that direction. They are a great feature in other marketing automation systems like Infusionsoft and Drip (recent addition) and I’d love to see it added to AC.



Hi Phil,
You could use an if/then statement in the sequence. So after email 2 have an if/then state to that detects whether they opt in (assuming this would be a tag?). If they did, it follows one oath, of not it follows another. It may get a bit clunky as you woke have to recheck in between each step of the initial sequence - hence the reason why so many of us tend to ‘modularise’ our automations.

Agreed that thus would be a nice feature add. You could post it in the feedback area. I’d vote for it :slight_smile:


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Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

There is a way that you can send some initial emails and pull contacts our of the sequence if they perform an action such as complete a form. Here is a demo of me walking you through this: Zight Recording 2024-04-19 ...

Any questions or concerns, fire away in the :thread: below!